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PFT Innovaltech is a technology platform that promotes innovation through training, research, technical cooperation and technology transfer. One of our main activities is the magnetic pulse technology. We work for the emergence of this new technology with high added value and continue to deliver innovative projects. PFT Innovaltech conducts feasibility studies on the pulse forming, welding and crimping. Our main contributions are to provide solutions for multi-material assembly fixtures for manufacturers, to develop devices on tools and conduct experimental studies for industry and to universities for scientific research. Our research activities focus on different aspects such as the investigation of the development of a practical weldability window, measuring the electromagnetic pulse, the evaluation of the flyer displacement using electrical measurement but also the realisation of industrial prototypes.

Rond-point Frédéric Joliot-Curie
F-02100 Saint-Quentin
Tel: +33 (0)3 23 08 44 89
Fax: +33 (0)3 23 08 49 17
E-mail: pft.innovaltech@u-picardie.fr
