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bime – Bremen In­sti­tute for Me­cha­nical En­gi­nee­ring

The bime | Bremen In­sti­tute for Me­cha­nical En­gi­nee­ring is one of the world­wide ope­ra­ting in­sti­tutes of the Uni­ver­sity of Bremen. Main re­se­arch deals with the de­ve­lop­ment and ope­ra­tion of ma­nu­fac­tu­ring plants, their me­cha­nical con­struc­tion, con­trol tech­ni­ques as well as pro­duc­tion lo­gi­stics. The electromagnitc forming of micro metal sheets (10-50 µm) is investigated by the bime since 2012. The process has main advantages for micro manufacturing of micro metal sheets especially due to the cheap tools and the improved material behavior. For adapting the process to micro sheet processing different challenges had to be overcome like joule heating, losses by electromagnetic diffusion and homogeneity of the electromagnetic field. Until now, the process was used for cutting, forming and joining of thin metal sheets of electrical conducting and non-conducting materials. Furthermore micro structures and nano surfaces were embossed into 50 µm and 300 µm thin Al99.5 sheets.

Bremer Institut für Strukturmechanik und Produktionsanlagen (bime)
Dr. Lasse Langstädtler
Badgasteiner Straße 1
28359 Bremen – Germany
Fon : +49 (0) 421 218-64828
Email:  Langstaedtler@bime.de
