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BIAS – Bremen Institute of applied beam technology

The goal of BIAS – Bremen Institute of applied beam technology is research and development for the introduction of beam technologies, especially laser beam technologies into production. In the frame of contracts from industry and public institutions processes and system technologies are developed for material processing and optical metrology. In accordance with the guiding principle “knowledge produces economy”, we preferably, but not exclusively, work with lasers in the two research areas: Material Processing – Processing Systems and Optical Metrology – Optoelectronic Systems, focusing on current research topics to transfer them into beneficial innovations. BIAS develops material processing by beam technology as well as optical measurement and testing technology in the macro and micro range. The developments of BIAS, frequently based on laser techniques, find their way into aviation and aerospace, shipbuilding, railway and automotive industry. Further, we develop innovations in medical technology and manufacturing of semi-finished products.

BIAS – Bremen Institute of applied beam technology
M. Sc. Stefan Veenaas
Klagenfurter Straße 2
D – 28359 Bremen
Fon : +49 (0) 421 218-58020
Fax : +49 (0) 421 218-58063
e-mail:  veenaas@bias.de
