I²FG Information booth at the ICTP 2011 in Aachen, Germany
The 2011 International Conference on Technology of Plasticity ICTP was held in Aachen, Germany from September 25th to September 30th. The conference was organized by the Institute of Metal Forming from RWTH Aachen University and the Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction from TU Dortmund University. Over 700 people from 50 different countries attended the ICTP 2011.
To give the participants of the conference an idea about impulse forming, its possibilities and its advantages compared to conventional forming processes, the I²FG was present at the ICTP 2011 with an information booth. In addition to showing selected impulse formed parts, discussing possible applications and handing out information material, small scale demonstrations of joining by electromagnetic forming (EMF) were performed at the I²FG booth. Therefore, visitors of the ICTP 2011 had the opportunity to experience impulse forming first-hand. We would like to thank the Poynting GmbH for providing the EMF machine for these demonstrations.