ICHSF2010 – 4th International Conference on High Speed Forming / Advisory Board Meeting in Columbus, Ohio, USA
International Conference on High Speed Forming in Columbus, Ohio, United States of America On the 09th and 10th of March 2010 the International Conference on High Speed Forming was held in Columbus, Ohio; USA. The conference was organized in cooperation between the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (The Ohio State University), the Institute of FormingTechnology and Lightweight Construction (TU Dortmund University) and the International Impulse Forming Group.
More than 60 participants from 11 nations from industry and academics attended the event. In addition to the presentation of new research results regarding high velocity forming, the conference provided a forum for the exchange of experience and the discussion between industrial users and researchers on an international stage. The conference covered, among other things, the topics of industrial applications for high speed forming processes, electro hydraulic forming, joining by electromagnetic forming as well as modeling and simulation of those processes.
The proceedings of the ICHSF2010 as well as the articles of the previous conferences on high speed forming are available through the publication server of TU Dortmund University.
They can be downloaded free of charge from the following link: eldorado.tu-dortmund.de