ICHSF2014 – 6th International Conference on High Speed Forming / I²FG Plenary and Advisory Board Meeting in Daejeon, Korea
The 6th International Conference on High Speed Forming (ICHSF2014) was hold in Daejeon, Korea on May 27th – 29th, 2014. The conference was organized as a joint event of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction (IUL) of TU Dortmund University.
In addition to the presentation of new research results regarding high speed forming, the conference intention was to provide a forum for the exchange of experiences and the discussion between industrial operators and researchers on an international stage. Within the scope of the conference, the 5th I²FG plenary meeting was hold.
Impressions of the ICHSF 2014: www.ichsf.com/2014/impressions